Journey Into Soul

...the journey of no other

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Without your interest in the tools and information offered to assist in multi-dimensional expansion, this shared Work and Service would not be taking place as it is.  I offer heartfelt thank yous to all who show up and make each tour worthwhile and memorabile.  And to those to host these events, it goes beyond saying, my thanks, gratitude and appreciation for your interest and support of the work offered and shared.

If you have any questions about a scheduled event, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Salt Lake City, Utah
May 31 (Friday) 2013
Hosted by Dale Evans at

2290 East 4500 South
Suite 120
Salt Lake City, UT  84117

For more information and directions, contact:

Dale Evans
801 634-3337

A public group interactive channeling with Ary'n with the possibility of other 
high realmed non-physical Consciousness.  
It is a space devoted to self-exploration, 
the expansion of perceptions 
and greater awareness. Personal questions are encouraged
and addressed.

Exchange:  At the door:  $ 25.00

Prepay On-line Discount:  $ 22.00

"Communion with Spirit"
Exploring The Multi-Dimensional Reality of Channeling
Come explore channeling in a supportive environment with I'Maya who has
traveled internationally sharing her channeling.  Let go of what you think
channeling is and  experience the channel you are every moment.  Be
expansive in your willingness to explore the still, quiet voice within.  Increase
your connection with exercises, group discovery and conscious commitment
to Spirit through vulnerability, surrender and love. 
Absolutely no prior experience is required.

***Class size is small to facilitate and insure individual 1:1 time with I'Maya.
***This class includes the book written by Ary'n:  "Communion" , a guide for connecting to Spirit

TBA 4 hrs

Exchange:  $ 88.00

Jackson, Wyoming
June 1 (Saturday) 2013
Hosted by Tina Seay at
The Connection

270 Veronica Lane
Jackson, WY

For more information and directions, contact:

Tina Seay
307 413-3494

A public group interactive channeling with Ary'n with the possibility of other 
high realmed non-physical Consciousness.  
It is a space devoted to self-exploration,
the expansion of perceptions 
and greater awareness. Personal questions are encouraged
and addressed.

Exchange:  At the door:  $ 25.00

Prepay On-line Discount:  $ 22.00

Idaho Falls, Idaho
June 2 (Sunday) 2013
Hosted by Roxane at
1088 Redwood Street
Idaho Falls, ID

For more information and directions, contact:

208 520-3688

A public group interactive channeling with Ary'n with the possibility of other 
high realmed non-physical Consciousness.  
It is a space devoted to self-exploration,
the expansion of perceptions 
and greater awareness. Personal questions are encouraged
and addressed.

Exchange:  At the door:  $ 25.00

Prepay On-line Discount:  $ 22.00